The only problem is finding games suitable to play with a single joystick and on screen text can be difficult to read due to the small size of it - games aren't optimised to run at these low resolutions.
The converters I used were 'Ostent 3 in 1 Converter Adapter Cable' for XBOX, USB & Gamecube and a 'Universal Adapter for XBOX360'
Playstation 2 in action |
No real problems with this one. Setup is very straightforward and AV quality is very good using a standard XBOX Scart cable.
XBOX with modified dashboard |
Metal Slug 4 - XBOX version not arcade |
XBOX 360
Needs a XBOX 360 specific Scart cable for this. The buttons worked straightaway but getting the directional controls to work took a few attempts with various combinations of the plugging in it sequence.
XBOX 360 Dashboard |
Playstation 3
Playstation 3 - Ducktails |